Thursday, May 17, 2012

Quotation of the Day…


Public policies are determined and laws are made by small minorities playing upon the fears and imbecilities of the mob – sometimes minorities of intelligent and honest men, but usually minorities of rogues.

Quotation of the Day…

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Alternatives to austerity

I love the restuarant analogy at the end. 

"He used the metaphor of a restaurant patron who discovers that he doesn’t have enough money to pay the bill. No problem. Just keep ordering more food! That way you can put off the moment of reckoning. That is not a practical solution for irresponsible customers or countries who have gone too far." excellent reading.

Alternatives to austerity

Friday, May 4, 2012

Social Security, Savings and Stagnation — Marginal Revolution

Social Security, Savings and Stagnation — Marginal Revolution

Paul vs. Paul, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

Paul vs. Paul, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

CARPE DIEM: Manufacturing Job Gains Continue to Lead

Good News.  This is even better than first appearances due to the fact that manufacturing productivity gains have outstripped the economy as a whole as well.  Increase in both factors have a multiplier effect on the output of the manufacturing sector.  The only reason that manufacturing is not growing faster as a percentage of the overall economy is that due to all the productivity gains the prices charged are dropping per unit of output.  This has a beneficial effect of helping to reduce inflation in the aggregate.

CARPE DIEM: Manufacturing Job Gains Continue to Lead

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dianne Feinstein: 'Just Say No' Is the Solution to Prohibition-Related Violence - Hit & Run :

If prohibition is such a good idea we should prohibit ALL activities that lead to crime or unhealty outcomes: Alchol, Tobacco, Sugar, High Fat foods, Cars, Wealth..... Why not acknowledge that you can eliminate the incentives for crime by legalizing victimless crimes, taxing and regulating the activities, and using the proceeds for education and rehabilitation.

Dianne Feinstein: 'Just Say No' Is the Solution to Prohibition-Related Violence - Hit & Run :

A Bad Ranking for UNC

One of the best fact based assessments of the status of public education in North Carolina.  I wonder how private institutions hold up to national competition.

A Bad Ranking for UNC

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why College Should Be Given Away for Free | Cato @ Liberty

Why College Should Be Given Away for Free | Cato @ Liberty

McGurn: Paul Ryan's Cross to Bear -

McGurn: Paul Ryan's Cross to Bear -

Why Single-Payer Won't Necessarily Satisfy Your Medical Needs - Hit & Run :

Why Single-Payer Won't Necessarily Satisfy Your Medical Needs - Hit & Run :

CARPE DIEM: Cheap Natural Gas Heralds an Energy Revolution That Will Displace Nuclear, Coal, Wind and Solar

CARPE DIEM: Cheap Natural Gas Heralds an Energy Revolution That Will Displace Nuclear, Coal, Wind and Solar

The Able Slave, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

The Able Slave, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

Thoughts on why real growth has been disappointingly slow

Thoughts on why real growth has been disappointingly slow

A Wing and a Prayer

A Wing and a Prayer