Friday, August 12, 2011

10th Ammendment

Excellent article/analysis published by the 10th Ammendment Center

Worth the read.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Government should not be in the business of defining personal relationships including marriage. Neither the federal government nor the states should define what a marriage is. The government should enforce private contracts between individuals. If people wish to be married through the rules of their church the government should enforce that set of rules. If consenting adults wish to enter into any non-coerced contractual arrangement should be allowed to do so. The government should only act as an enforcer of those contracts regardless of the terms.

Republican Debates

I am watching the republican debate and I am disgusted by the fact that some of these people who believe in the rights of free people here are the first to deny any rights to free and peaceful people outside our borders. If Iran, North Korea, et al are such a threat then blown them hell right now. Otherwise leave them alone, bring our troops home but be ready to blast them back to the stone age if they mess with us.

Thus far I cannot stand:
Tim Pawlenty - complete idiot
Huntsman - wimpy , spineless loser
Santorum - neocon, pseudo nazi, lightweight

Bachman ok but a bit strident and seems like a lightweight
Gingrich is a mean grumpy man

Paul- he cannot win but his ideas are sound but he cannot articulate them